5th December 2020 - 4th January 2021

A Christmas Wish - Sally Holman

Is the slowing down of time a spiritual experience? With fewer distractions do we see things fused together as one? Colours that we didn’t have time to notice before? For me, this year has been about stillness and nature. I listen to the birds and I have time to do this. I hear their early morning songs, chirping, cheerful. On summer evenings they sing - wood pigeons, blackbirds, song thrushes, seagulls, as I sit and paint the sounds I hear and watch the evening sky and the sun setting. The light shimmers, the birds sing, the grass blows in the wind, the clouds sing their song of golden colours and I am still. 

In support of those enduring the pandemic without the safety and comfort of a home or even shelter, a percentage of the proceeds from this exhibition will be donated to Shelter England.

If you would like to make an independent contribution to Shelter England, you can do so by clicking below. 


  • Sally Holman The Moor I
  • Sally Holman The Moor III